I have sort clarification of the rules where a fish is tagged and then continued to be fought with the intention of possibly capturing it and claiming the capture rather than the T&R points.
The response from NWGFA follows...
NSWGFA has a specific rule regarding this issue. Refer page 6 NSWGFA By-Laws & Regulations July 2013 (h) 8.
The wording is below in red.
A fish is considered tagged and released when the tag is secured to the fish and the fish is released back into the water alive.
Therefore the answer to the question is quite simple.
A message from the recorder
The weekend just passed 22/ 23-10-2016 was the last eligible fishing days for the winter comp.
As a result the Capture section was won by “2Small” with 2682 Pts.
Tag & Release section also won by “2Small” on 3750 Pts.
The sea temperature is high at the moment, If only the windy weather would ease, Club boats may be able to get out fishing.
The White Sands (Jervis Bay) Tournament is on the 25/26/27-11-2016.
Organising for the Shoalhaven Open on 24/25/26-2017 is underway now, If you have any suggestions for this event contact your committee.
A message from the recorder ;)
The Sh. GFC winter comp has only 2 Months left to run, (Zone Days Only). The T&R section has “ 2 Small” in the lead with 3,750 Pts.
Capture section also has “2 Small “ in front with the capture of Thresher Shark to Blake Matthews. The fish went 167.3 Kg on 24 Kg for a new club record, replacing an 85 Kg Shark to Craig Holbrow on “Albacore” which was held for 23 years.
The annual round of Tournaments start soon, With Wollongong Comp mid September, Jervis Bay tournament is to be held late November.
The Southern Zone Cock-O-Walk is on every 2nd & 4th full weekends of each Month. A Tournament & Zone weekend Calendar is available on the club website.
If you capture a fish you would like to have weighed please don’t hesitate to call 0412 512 574, I would be happy to weigh it for you.
Other Clubs up & down the coast will weigh a fish for you. Call us & we will help arrange with the club concerned. The paper work should still be in SH.GFC hands within 14 days of the capture.
The new fishing year is now well under way ,a few club boats have been fishing
“Magic “ went out for a daytime drop for Broadbill ,the rig to get the bait to the bottom worked well .A few albacore & striped tuna were also caught.
“Captain Cranky” Fished out of Batemans Bay for a Yellowfin approx. 60Kg to Andy Clarke, but this fish was not weighed.
“2 Small” have been out and about, deep dropping (getting a few ling and blueye) although the deep fish have seemed to slowed up over the last couple of weeks, and deep dropping for swordfish (no luck yet)