CLICK HERE to fill out the 'Boat Register Information Form'. A new tab will open so that you can return to membership form.
To be Completed for Renewal of Membership or Application for New Membership
I have read the Nomination/Renewal and acknowledge that it is to be made to the Shoalhaven Game Fishing Club Limited, that my Nomination/Renewal may be advised by circular to all members, and that it is entirely at the discretion of the Board of Directors to accept or reject this Nomination/Renewal in accordance with the Articles of Memorandum of Association.
BELOW to be completed for New Member Applications.
We consider the Nominee to be a fit and proper person to be admitted to membership of the Club.
The Nominee has expressed a willingness to pay the prescribed fees, and consents to be bound by the Articles and Memorandum of Association, and the By–Laws of the Club.
You can select multiple memberships, add family members with your form submission. For example you can purchase 2 or more family 'Adult' Memberships with the one form submission. Please note that any additional memberships purchased must be for family members only. You will need to make a separate form submission for 'Junior' Memberships.